FEE Schedule:

FEE Schedule:





Certified Accounting Professional (CAP) a) Registration Fee : GBP 300
b) Exam Fee : GBP 400
c) Certification Fee: GBP 250
Total Fee : GBP 950
Certified Business Analyst (CBA) a) Registration Fee : GBP 200
b) Exam Fee: GBP 300
c) Certification Fee: GBP 250
Total Fee : GBP 750

Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)

a) Registration Fee : GBP 100
b) Exam Fee : GBP 200
c) Certification Fee: GBP 100
Total Fee : GBP 400
Upgradation of
Fellow Membership :
GBP 80
Certificate of
Proficiency (only
certificate fee)
GBP 50